Beekeeping Value Chain Support


Financed by European Union
Stage On going
Sector 31120 Agricultural development
Start date 31 August 2021
End date 30 September 2024
Budget 8 878 504.55 €
Code TAN180351T
Shortname BEEKEEP

Project description

The overall objective of the Action is: the beekeeping industry's is enhanced for inclusive growth, poverty reduction and food security in Tanzania.
The specific objective is to ensure that high quality honey produced in an environmentally sustainable manner leads to increased market penetration.
The programme will focus on 3 main outputs:
EO 1: Institutional capacity and enabling environment for beekeeping value chain actors is strengthened, while enhancing women’s empowerment (Enabel-Led)
EO 2: Capacities of beekeeping value chain actors improved and management of bee reserves and apiaries enhanced. (Enabel-Led)
EO 3: Market links and Trade of bee products strengthened (ITC-Led)


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