Supporting startup and improving survival rate of Micro, Small and Medium-sized enterprises (MSME) in Palestine through Business Incubators


Gefinancierd door European Union
Fase Closed
Sector 32130 Small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) development
Startdatum 15 December 2014
Einddatum 15 June 2019
Budget 3 271 028.00 €
Code PZA120281T
Afgekorte naam BUSINCUB

Project description

A large number of young people dream of opening their own business, but many potential entrepreneurs and recent graduates lack proper business experience. This lack of experience hinders them from creating their own start-up. In order to set up a successful enterprise, potential entrepreneurs need greater support, including mentoring, business advice and information on how to obtain financial support. This project will facilitate their first steps towards establishing their own business start-ups. This project supports the development strategy of the Ministry of National Economy in its efforts to develop a dynamic and vibrant private sector through supporting Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs).


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