Response to Environmental Degradation and Protection of Alternative Energy Sources in Refugee Hosting Communities


Gefinancierd door European Union
Fase On going
Sector 41010 Environmental policy and administrative management
Startdatum 17 December 2020
Einddatum 30 June 2026
Budget 844 913.00 €
Code UGA20001
Afgekorte naam ENAPRO

Project description

The Government of Uganda has prioritised a Water/Environment Sector Response Plan to provide the much-needed framework for integrated planning and implementation of environment related activities in refugee-hosting districts.

The 'Response to Environmental Degradation and Protection of Alternative Energy Sources in Refugee Hosting Communities' (ENAPRO) project has been designed as a direct, fully aligned and explicit development contribution to its implementation.

The overall objective of this project is to increase environmental protection and restoration, to improve sustainable energy for improved livelihoods and rights among displaced populations and their host communities and finally, to improve coordination, planning and capacities on environment and climate change in refugee hosting areas.


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