The VET Toolbox, through British Council, in partnership with the National Vocational & Technical Training Commission, will:
- Develop an apprenticeship handbook
- Engaging employers with regards to the Apprenticeship Act 2018 and in apprenticeship schemes
- Capacity building of TVET officials for effective implementation of apprenticeship laws
- Increasing Industry- Institute linkages
- Partner institution: National Vocational & Technical Training Commission
The VET Toolbox, through GIZ, in partnership with the National Board for Professional and Technician Examinations, will:
- Verify feasibility of different skills forecasting methods
- Build capacity in curricula update in consultation with private sector
- Introduce of CBET methodology in existing curricula, syllabi, and assessment and examination tools
- Update of an engineering training programme
- Advice on introduction of modular programmes
The VET Toolbox, through GIZ, in partnership with the EU delegation in Botswana, will:
- Provide a labour market analysis on tourism and livestock
- Advice on approaches and mechanisms for overseeing, guiding and strengthening the TVET sub-sector
- Advice and guidance on mechanisms of consultation and participation of the private sector
- Contribute to the 11th EDF programme (private sector involvement and active participation in TVET)