Wezesha Binti

Wezesha Binti
Gefinancierd door Belgium
Fase In uitvoering
Startdatum 30 juni 2023
Einddatum 29 juni 2028
Budget 20 765 500.00 €
Code TZA22003
Afgekorte naam Wezesha Binti


The Wezesha Binti project in Tanzania is built on three result domains, which all share the same general and specific objectives and focuses on common geographical areas. The internal coherence of the intervention is based on the special attention given to girls and young women in the perspective of strengthening their autonomy and empowerment.

Its general objective is that young people, especially young women, are empowered to thrive in a protective and gender-equal environment, to acquire education and skills, and to pursue decent work opportunities in Kigoma Region. More specific, girls and young women (14 to 29 years) are empowered through multiple conducive learning pathways to enjoy decent, greener employment and an increased access to entrepreneurship.


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