Skills and Attitude (S&A), Governance and Anti-corruption (G&A), Covid19 Response (C19)


Gefinancierd door European Union
Fase On going
Sector 11230 Basic life skills for youth and adults
Startdatum 08 December 2020
Einddatum 07 December 2023
Budget 4 672 897.00 €
Code UGA19003
Afgekorte naam SG+

Project description

The SG+ project (Skills and Attitude, Governance and Anti-corruption, Covid19 Response) is part of a larger EU programme called “Inclusive Green Economy Uptake Programme" (GreenUP).

The Green Up programme contributes to the Ugandan transition toward an inclusive, green and competitive low-carbon economy with the creation of decent green jobs in a number of key sectors, as laid down in the Uganda Green Growth Development Strategy (UGGDS). The main 3 priority areas are (1) support to Uganda's Business Environment; (2) support to Uganda's Broader Investment climate and (3) the Value-chain Development. The different components of this Programme will be implemented by several partners like Enabel, PSFU, FSDA, FAO, etc. through various implementation modalities.

As far as the Business Environment Component is concerned, the EU-delegation in Uganda chose to implement two components, namely Skills and Attitude (S&A) and Governance and Anti-Corruption (G&C) in indirect management with Enabel. The Belgian development agency has a longstanding experience in these sectors and fields, as well as a positive and established track record of relations with the main stakeholders.


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