Labour Market Needs Survey in Gaza

  • Labour Market Needs Survey in Gaza

The Belgian Development Agency (BTC) has conducted a Labour Market Needs Survey for the technical and vocational education and training (TVET) Sector in the Gaza Strip. The survey is done in the framework of its ECIB-Work Based Learning (WBL) programme.  

On the 1st of September BTC conducted a workshop for its stakeholders to present the results of this first labour market survey for the TVET sector in the Gaza Strip.  

The study was conducted by a local consultancy company “Al Athar” as part of the design and implementation process of the Work Based Learning (WBL) initiatives. It was done in partnership with TVET institutions and the Private Sector in order to expand youth employment and entrepreneurship opportunities in the Gaza Strip. The assessment is considered a necessary  step to ensure that the WBL initiatives are based on the real needs of the local labour market for skilled workers and at the same time meets the aspirations of the Gazan youth.  

The focus of the study is to identify the most promising economic sectors related to TVET. This will enable TVET partners to start or upgrade new vocations that will meet the labour market needs and priorities better.  

BTC believes that the success of employability programs depends for a great deal on correctly identifying and responding to the unique conditions of the local labour market in each targeted region, and tailoring those programs to the specific assets and needs of local youth.  

The ECIB program works closely together with the private sector in a real Private Public Partnership. This partnership creates an added value for employers who will be more likely to hire and retain properly skilled TVET graduates and become long-term partners in training and support efforts. For those TVET graduates who aspire to start their own businesses, this study is of vital importance to make the right choice of vocation and develop realistic business plans.  

The survey shows that the most promising economic sectors for TVET employment and entrepreneurship in the current business environment in the Gaza Strip are services, agriculture, fishery and ICT. The survey also gives more details about the different subsectors and the specific type and degree of skills that are needed. The survey equally focusses on specific gender topics and how to increase the participation of women in the labour market.     

The survey is highly appreciated by all stakeholders as it will enable them to design their interventions based on real labour market needs. 

You can find the study here

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