The School Construction, Rehabilitation and
Equipment project of the Belgian Development Cooperation builds new schools in
the Palestinian Territory. The focus lies on quality education through
environment and child friendly school designs, while experimenting with innovative
and eco-sustainable solutions.
In order to
raise awareness, the project also invests in capacity building for engineers of
the ministry of education and higher education, the directorates, school
headmasters and teachers, students and communities. Special attention is paid
to interactions between schools and communities, to gender and to energy
efficiency and other environment-related aspects.
One recent
achievement in terms of environmental awareness, is the translation, supported
by the Belgian Development Cooperation, of the book “An Evaluation Study of the Green
Governmental Schools in Palestine “ of Basma Saadeh from Arabic to English.
The book is
divided into three main chapters. In a first part, the book gives an overview
of the evolution of governmental schools in terms of student numbers and
architectural development from 1994 until 2014.
The second
part of the book is dedicated to green schools, including aspects such as the
sustainability of the school location, water use reduction, efficiency use of
energy, used materials and resources as well as the learning environment.
In the final part, an analysis was conducted of a sample of prominent
governmental school buildings that can be classified as ‘green’. The study
discusses the success of the attempts made by the ministry to achieve the
specifications and standards of green school building based on the international
standards and specifications. It also identifies the future potential in this domain.
The writer,
Basma Saadeh studied architectural engineering at the An Najah University. She currently
works as an architectural designer and developer at the general directorate of buildings
in the Ministry of Education and Higher Education situated in Ramallah.
information is available here:
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