Viewing 1 - 1 of 1 evaluations

  • Evaluation of the Skilled Young Palestine (SYP) project

    Evaluation of the Skilled Young Palestine (SYP) project

    Victoria DEOM | 11-07-2024 2024 | Particip-technopolis

    The 'Skilled Young Palestine - Improving Resilience and Employment Opportunities for Youth' (SYP) project aims to strengthen the resilience of Palestinian youth in vulnerable areas by improving their employability and entrepreneurship skills. The project, spanning from May 27, 2019, to May 27, 2024, with a budget of €7.5 million, aims to empower 2,800 young individuals. It involves 30 partners: 23 private sector umbrella organisations (PSUOs) across the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip; the Palestinian Employment Fund (PEF); the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO); and 5 Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) and academic institutions. The project was executed in collaboration with key strategic partners, including the Ministries of Labour, Finance, and Higher Council for Youth and Sports (HCYS). Additionally, implementing partners comprised PSUOs, Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) centres, and NGOs overseeing the innovation hubs. The ultimate beneficiaries of the programme were young men and women. The evaluation is conducted at the end of the project implementation aiming at: guiding future strategic and operational decisions with evidence-based recommendations, facilitating a comprehensive learning process by analysing ENABEL's performance and extracting valuable insights, and ensuring accountability to donors, partners, and ENABEL's staff. The end-term evaluation (ETE) drew its findings, conclusions, lessons learned, and recommendations mainly from a comprehensive desk review, including annual reports, final report and the mid-term evaluation report. Qualitative data was also gathered through interviews with stakeholders and focus group discussions involving young beneficiaries. These data sources were used to verify and triangulate the findings. The duration of the ETE had to be adjusted several times because the mission has been conducted during the ongoing Israeli war on Gaza and Ramadan month. Unfortunately, interventions in the Gaza Strip were excluded from the assessment due to these challenging circumstances.

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