News by: Evert Waeterloos
A wider use of Geographical Information Systems
(GIS) is an appealing prospect for an improved information base and
coordination between the different players in Mozambique’s energy sector. Enabel
and the partner Ministry of Mineral Resources and Energy (MIREME) launched a
study in 2020 to provide a road map for the introduction of GIS and spatial
data usage in the sector (
This study found that a considerable range of energy and spatial data exist in MIREME.
However, most of them are stored in hardcopy paper format. Where information is
stored digitally, data are mostly kept on personal computers, which entails a
huge risk of loss and under-utilisation. There is indeed little sharing and
usage (metadata) beyond the individual data storage level. This is problematic, as the flow of
information within MIREME as well as with other (inter)national organizations
is a prerequisite for planning and monitoring of the energy sector. The
availability of IT equipment such as computers, laptops, plotters and servers vary
within each unit; however, most equipment is either obsolete or in a poor
state. To introduce GIS for more effective
data management and analysis, the study identified seven inter-linked
dimensions, which will require attention in the short- to medium-term:
- A detailed, comprehensive needs and
requirements assessment;
- Acquisition and management of spatial data and
- Acquisition and management of technological
- Human resources capacity development and
- Development and management of the
institutional environment;
- Development of applications, products and
services for the end user (public and other institutions);
- Monitoring the implementation of GIS.
This study corroborates the importance of a
good understanding among the key players in MIREME of the requirements of data,
infrastructure and human resources for an effective use of GIS. This has also been
emphasized by Enabel’s Junior Expert Antoine de Clippele throughout his
deployment within the CB MIREME/Arene project (2019-2021). He coached the
internal working group in MIREME accompanying the study through applied training
and advice. The adoption of GIS is however a longer-term intervention, which
depends on many factors such as knowledge, data quality, infrastructure and
institutional set-ups. The project wants to make sure that while such
central-led strategy of introduction and adoption of GIS is developed, hands-on
introductions can be given to as many staff as possible to raise awareness and
interest. In the wake of the aforementioned study, the Junior Expert further
disseminated information and knowledge on GIS to provincial offices of MIREME
in Sofala, Zambezia, Manica and Tete.
Through a hands-on training – which due
to Covid-19 restrictions had to take place online, a tailor-made introduction
was administered by the Junior and his young MIREME counterpart Tina Matandire
from 17 to 23 February 2021.
The training covered basic GIS theory and
focused on how to use different available GIS tools. The GIS software that was
referred to can be accessed at no cost (open-source software). The training also showed different resources
that can be accessed for learning and development purposes. Despite the
challenges of delivering the training online, such as connectivity issues, the
participants were motivated and participated fully during the entire training
session. The project’s support to ICT equipment (laptops and internet
infrastructure) across all provinces during 2020 and early 2021, has
contributed to the success of the training. Following the training session, an internal manual
was produced which summarizes all the different resources and key takeaways
from the training session, and which is available to MIREME staff (
It is indeed the intention to replicate and/or design follow up GIS trainings
to staff members in other provinces, this time administered by MIREME staff
such as Tina.
This should contribute to
an informed discussion on the implementation plan for the introduction of GIS
within MIREME and on the collaboration with other relevant stakeholders.