Schools Construction, Rehabilitation and Equipment in the Occupied Palestinian Territory - PHASE IV

Schools IV

Financed by Belgium
Stage Closed
Sector 11120 Education facilities and training
Start date 17 July 2013
End date 16 July 2023
Budget 18 500 000.00 €
Code PZA1203211
Shortname Schools IV

Project description

The Phase IV schools construction project aims at improving the access to quality education through the development of an healthy, safe, child and environmentally friendly infrastructure.
It will build, extend and rehabilitate schools and will focus on quality through an environment and child friendly design while experimenting innovative and eco-sustainable solutions.
The project will also invest in capacity building for designers and teachers, and organize activities for students and communities benefiting from the new schools.
Special attention will be paid to interactions between schools and communities, to gender, and to energy efficiency and other environment-related aspects.

The project inserts itself in the MoE's ‘Education Development Strategic Plan’, more specifically in goal I, to ‘increase access of school-aged children and students of all education levels and improve the ability of the education system to retain them’.


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