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On 12 and 13 September, a small group of regional officers from Arusha lead by the Assistant Administrative Secretary member of the Steering Committee of Maisha Bora visited some of the results of the programme and engaged with the population to assess their level of satisfaction in meeting their needs.We are pleased that their initial feed-back is very positive.
From 12 to 14 June 2019 in Kampala, representatives from the private sector, Ministries, trade unions, civil society organisations and VET trainers working in the sector of tourism and hospitality, participated in a 3-day VET Toolbox training to make the Tourism and Hospitality Sector Skills Council (T&H SSC) more operational and support the continuous establishment of a secretariat to handle the day-to-day business of the T&H SSC. This workshop was hosted by Enabel with support of British Council, both implementing partners of the VET Toolbox. The goal was to gain the requisite knowledge, skills and experience, and expertise to enhance the T&H SSC systems, approaches and processes and deliver on the Council’s mandate and objectives. The T&H SSC in Uganda is the main public-private entity to enhance skills development in this sector. It supports the shifting from supply- to more relevant, demand-led, market-oriented training in line with Uganda’s skills reform agenda.The intervention generated outcomes in three result areas:Clear governance structures are in place, entailing vision, mission, and objectives;Operational action plan is established, consisting of steps and activities to be taken in short, medium and long-term, including well defined roles and responsibilities;Endorsed partnerships with industry and public providers.
Nane nane is one of national holiday in Tanzania observed on 8th August each year, also referred to as Farmers’ Day. During this day all Tanzanian are celebrating the contribution of Agriculture in to the national economy. In Tanzania agriculture is termed as the backbone of country economy due to the fact that almost fifty percent of the people living in Tanzania are employed in agriculture sector. National exhibition of Nane nane celebration 2019 was arrange in Simiyu region. Kigoma, Nane nane (2019) was arranged and organized in three districts Kigoma DC, Kasulu and Kakonko where the show was organization and then executed in three wards Kidahwe, Nyakitonto and Kiziguzigu respectively. This video displays what happened in Kiziguzigu-Kakonko on 8th Aug 2019.
Muhindo Rueben is a 24 year old young man who has a bright face and a calm aura, his face breaks into a wide smile as we shake hands and exchange pleasantries. He then leads us to Kambale metal workshop where he is currently employed. Muhindo is from kikonzo village in Kasese district the second born of eight children, he dropped out of school in 2012 after his father could not raise money for his school fees in senior two. He later got involved in laying bricks for a living until he heard about the skills training which his father encouraged to go and join. He went to Kasese youth polytechnic where he applied and got enrolled for a course in welding and metal fabrication. ”I enjoyed the training and my best experience was learning how to make and weld a metallic door,” reveals Muhindo. He later did his industrial training at Kilembe Quarter workshop for three months before getting a job at Kambale workshop. He can ably make doors, windows, home gates, and weld any other metals into usable material. Muhindo earns about 5000 per job he gets done, he has also spent six months at the workshop as an employee. He plans to open a workshop with the help of his dad as he is saving to have enough capital which his father promised to top up when he is ready to start working on his own. “The training has helped me have a business mindset whereby I am now thinking of how best I can invest my savings,” says Muhindo.
Lenard Aganyira was a peasant farmer living in kiryetete village in Hoima district surviving on the little income he got from selling his crops after harvesting. He got to know about an opportunity to get skills training over a radio announcement. He went to St. Simon’s vocational institute where he got enrolled and did a training in welding and metal fabrications supported by Enabel. Aganyira was retained soon after doing his industrial training at Bwendero Dairy Farm. He is currently working as a welder and head of production at Bwendero Dairy Farm in Hoima town, the second position came after showing competence, commitment and discipline as reported by his supervisor Kaisaja Henry. “He is a good performer and very punctual hence the promotion and pay raise,” said his supervisor. “Learning how to make a good weld was my best experience during the training,”he said.Aganyira can now weld metals into windows, doors and machinery that is used at the farm for production. He has been employed at the farm for one year now and he earns 10,000 shs. Per day. Using his savings, he is investing in piggery, started up a sports shop where he sells sports items like balls, shoes, sports attires among others and ably hires casual workers to cultivate his garden in his village home since getting a job and moving to live in Hoima town. “I am also saving some money to buy welding machines which I can use to start up my own workshop and be self-employed in future,” said Aganyira. He notes that the training helped him regain his self-confidence and self-esteem after being unskilled and unemployed for a couple of years. ”I was not comfortable with myself when I was depending on my parents for every need but now iam earning and iam happy,” he said
Byanganga Julius 43, hails from Kiryatete village in Hoima district where he lives with his family of 1 wife and four children. He is a defensive driver who was trained by Better World with support from Enabel. Prior to becoming a skilled defensive driver, Julius was involved in doing casual works like being a tools man, carrying, offloading and loading luggage at the bus parks among others. He heard about the opportunity to do a training in skills development through a radio announcement for those who are interested. He went to Better World offices and registered for a training in defensive driving, this is where drivers are taught how to foresee, control and avoid accidents. They are also taught how to interact with other road users like taxis, private car drivers, pedestrians and rowdy drivers. Byanganga’s take during the training was vehicle and client handling, and how to relate with other drivers on the road. He now has skills in defensive driving which he says have enabled him to have multiple job opportunities to be a driver. He earns 450,000shs per month which he saves half of it to his bank account and also provide for his family members. “The skills of defensive driving are vital for road users in order to avoid accidents and save lives that could have been lost due to careless and reckless driving,” said Byanganga. Also basing on the companies and individuals he has worked for, the first requirement they usually ask for is a defensive driving certificate which he has and easily finds one job after another. He is currently employed by a private individual
Aletwa Messach is a 25 year old young man who hails from Bunjonjo village in Fort Portal. He is a senior six leaver who gave up school in 2017 after failing to join university due to financial constraints, he lives with his parents who he helps in cultivating and maintaining their banana plantation farm. It was one afternoon as he was listening to the radio when he heard about the opportunity to receive skills training that he immediately saw a chance to acquire hands on skills. He went for enrollment at Kabarole District Farmers Association (KADFA) training center which was conducting the training supported by Enabel. He registered to do a training in Nursery Management and Grafting where he learned how to make a nursery bed and graft different types of crops, when to graft them and how. The training had sessions of basic business management tips, self-awareness and confidence building of trainees who enrolled for the course.” I developed a new positive attitude towards farming since I had previously wanted to go to university but failed, my self-esteem was boosted and I am now able to solicit new ideas from people with no fear or shame,” says Aletwa. “I have also been able to make a step forward by adding on my knowledge of farming like grafting which was my best experience during the training,” reveals Aletwa. After the training he asked his father for a piece of land where he began a nursery bed and grafting the seedlings of various crops. He intends to become a seedlings supplier mainly growing and supplying grafted seedlings. There is ready market for grafted seedlings whereby one seedling fetches 40,000shs per sale. Aletwa currently has over 1000 seedlings some of which he already transplanted to the main garden after grafting them. He has grafted over 100 seedlings of avocado. Aletwa’s passion for grafting enables him offer his colleagues with advice and sometimes help in grafting and nursery bed management. They were taught how to make oil from avocado, this helps them in the production of avocado oil that is also a good business venture for the trainees.
At Kasumi and sons workshop about 10 people can be seen bustling and hustling each holding a sew saw or hammer or any carpentry machinery as they work to make artistic materials like chairs, tables, beds and wardrobes among others. Mumbere Nickson is 18 years old from Kikonzo village in Kasese district one of the employees in the workshop busy joining a bed he has been making for a few days now. He easily flexes his hand muscles around the corners of the bed as he quickly hammers nails into them to make a steady bed. He is a first born of five siblings to his mother, he lost his father at a tender age of 2. He stopped in senior two after his mother failed to raise enough money to continue with school. It is after two years that he hears about a skills training opportunity by Enabel on a radio show and later through another announcement over the same radio.Nickson applies and enrolls for skills training in Carpentry and Joinery. After the training he went for industrial training and was retained at Kasumi and sons workshop because of his due diligence. Mumbere learned skills through hands on training from his colleagues and soon after started receiving job orders from the community, he reveals.“The training has helped me avoid bad peer groups like alcoholics,” says Mumbere. His first job was to make a coffee table set which he made in 3 days and got paid 20,000shs. He went on to get more orders and over 7 orders in week which earn him over 50,000shs. He has developed a saving culture where he saves half his earnings of the week. He plans to start farming with his savings, he now has three hens and one goat which he is rearing for his dream farm. Mumbere also uses part of his income to maintain himself and help his mother with family basics like sugar, soap, food among others. Over 2000 youth have been trained in hands on skills in Albertine Rwenzori to enable them get jobs and improve their livelihood as well.
Dans le cadre de l’insertion professionnelle, le programme d’appui à l’enseignement technique et à la formation professionnelle dans la Tshopo, EDUT en sigle, a procédé à l’installation de sept jeunes diplômés en mécanique moto. Il s’agit de 3 filles et 4 garçons ayant obtenus leurs diplômes en mécanique automobile à l’Institut technique industriel Chololo, au Centre professionnel Mangobo 1 et au Centre de promotion sociale Makiso, tous situés dans la ville de Kisangani. La cérémonie a eu lieu le 19 août dernier devant l’atelier de mécanique moto nouvellement construit à cet effet et situé au sein de l’institut technique industriel Chololo. Par la même occasion, les bénéficiaires ont reçu un lot d’équipements et matériels nécessaires à l’exercice de leur métier.La cérémonie d’installation a été précédée d’une formation théorique et pratique de trois mois. Les modules suivants ont été développés au cours de cette formation de spécialisation : Etude détaillée de la moto, Outillage et équipements, Etude des pannes fréquentes d’une moto, leur cause et dépannage, Montage et démontage, Ethique et déontologie, code de la route et Entreprenariat.La formation a été sanctionnée par un certificat de participation que les lauréats ont reçu de la main des différentes autorités politiques et responsables d’Enabel présents à la cérémonie d’installation. Il s’agit notamment des représentants du Gouverneur de la Tshopo et du Ministre provincial de l’EPSP. Rappelons que le programme EDUT est une intervention de la coopération belge mise en œuvre par Enabel, Agence belge de développement. Pour contribuer à l’augmentation du nombre d’ouvriers qualifiés au sein de la société, le programme appuie des établissements d’enseignement technique et de formation professionnelle dans la ville de Kisangani et le territoire d’Isangi. Son cheval de bataille est l’amélioration de la qualité de l’enseignement technique et la formation professionnelle à travers une formation technique de qualité pertinente, incluant des cours pratiques, des stages et l’insertion professionnelle des jeunes formés.
Les analystes des questions financières des trois Divisions Provinciales de la Santé (DPS) sous couvert du Programme d’Appui aux Divisions de la Sante et Zones de Santé (PADP) au Kwilu, au Sud Ubangi et dans la Tshopo ont participé du 15 au 26 juillet 2019, au Centre CEPAS à Kinshasa, à une session de formation sur le paramétrage et l’utilisation du logiciel Tom2Pro. Les trois analystes accompagnés des ATN en gestion Enabel, qui les accompagnent au quotidien, dans la gestion financière et comptable ont appris les fondamentaux sur le fonctionnement dudit logiciel: son installation, le paramétrage, la saisie des écritures ou l’encodage des données, la production et l’édition des états financiers (bilan, tableau d’utilisation des fonds, tableau d’emploi ressources, le suivi budgétaire,…) en vue d’améliorer la gestion et le suivi financier, le suivi du patrimoine mobilier et immobilier de leurs DPS.Cette formation sollicitée par les 3 DPS a permis aux trois analystes renforcées et sous accompagnement des ATN en gestion, de travailler en vue de l’amélioration de la production de l’information financière et comptable au sein de leurs DPS respectives par la production des états financiers dans le strict respect des normes comptables et financières, de renforcer la transparence et la redevabilité dans la gestion du basket virtuel relevant de la mise en œuvre du contrat unique, outil de financement du niveau intermédiaire du secteur santé en RDC. Au terme de la formation, un récapitulatif a été effectué pour permettre aux participants de réviser de fond en comble les différents modules afin de mesurer la mise en évidence réelle du résultat attendu.Cette séance, animée par PSCO, Prestations de Services, Technologies Innovantes Intégration des systèmes, a été marquée par trois temps forts : la théorie, les exercices pratiques, des échanges et partage d’expériences entre les participants, le formateur et l’équipe de la Cellule d’Appui à la Gestion Financière du Ministère de la Santé (CAGF-MSP). Rappelons que dans le souci de coordination des actions, le PADP a contribué à l’extension de la licence Tom2Pro de la CAGF-MS par le paramétrage des autres PTF dans le Kwilu où le logiciel était déjà installé depuis 2018 et son élargissement dans les provinces, du Sud-Ubangi et de la Tshopo où il n’était pas encore installé.
My name is Butele Mansur. Iam 26 years old and from Rubangabini village, Maaji parish, Ukusijoni sub county, Adjumani district. In 2017 when CEFORD came to my village for community sensitization about Support Programme to the Refugees and Host Communities in Northern Uganda project, I fully attended the meeting of the programme. Thereafter, I took interest to join the group formed as Tandrupasi Farmer Group with membership of 25 members. Out of which 11 males and 14 females and whose main source of income is agriculture. I attended four months of training with CEFORD on participatory agro enterprise development and village savings and loan association. This greatly opened our minds on farming as a business while ensuring both nutrition and food security in our individual households. Through the intensive training, I was able to move from the traditional ways of my great grandparent’s system of farming to a modern farming system. This has greatly led to increased yields and better quality of produce at the same time in my household. I also learnt how to do enterprise selection using the cost benefit analysis tool and keep good records as it is key for any successful agricultural venture. Through the VSLA trainings, the saving culture and expenditure discipline was instilled in me. I started saving with the group.But as time moved on, I expanded my gardens and started realizing much more incomes and decided to save also with Obongi saving cooperatives. It is only through the intervention of CEFORD that, I learnt about dry farming. So I currently venture into cabbage growing on a large scale, tomatoes and egg plants. Despite the challenge of prolonged droughts in Adjumani district, I have managed to establish vegetable gardens along all season streams and also acquired a solar powered irrigation system from solar now so that I can constantly produce vegetables in dry season when the market demand is high and supply is low. For this year, 2019, I planted cabbage on an acre of land in the first season. I spent 38,500 Uganda shillings on pesticides and market dues. I earned 927,000 Uganda shillings from the sale of vegetables most of which was bought from the garden. Selling produce in the market has greatly reduced the expenses, I would have incurred such as market dues and transportation charges. CEFORD provided us with naro cass 1 cuttings in 2017 as startup package. I took good care of my garden. My biggest achievements is my ability to supply farmers with 105 bags of naro cas 1 cassava stocks, each at 35,000 Uganda shilling. I will expand my vegetable gardens, buy another irrigation pump and buy my wife a beautiful dress. I thank European Union for their support and CEFORD for the advisory services and linking me to input dealers that has positively impacted on my life. My passion for the experience about farming was inherited from my ancestors. Compiled By: Michael Alumai, Adjumani District. Community facilitator, CEFORD
The sun is shining brilliantly pouring over the streets of Hoima town as we drive and park at court view hotel. The manager of court view hotel welcomes us warmly and later introduces us to Joselyn Ayisiza a 21 year old trained cateress supported by Enabel through hands on skills training that took place at millennium vocational school in Masindi. Joselyn heard about the program from a friend while working as a mobile money agent in a kiosk in Masindi. She travelled to Hoima where she applied, did interviews and got enrolled for the Pastry and Catering course. One year later, Joselyn has skills in baking, preparing both local and international cuisines and other delicacies. She got employment soon after completing the course at court view hotel and earns 200,000shs. Per month. She is able to pay her own rent, save and also cater for her personal needs since getting the job seven months ago. She was given a startup kit by Enabel which she plans to use to start up her side business of setting up an eatery when she saves enough capital to enable her dream come true. The training also improved her social interactions to which she says,”I made good influential friends who are helping me.” Her manager says, “She is a very hardworking girl who is promising.” Joselyn is one of the many youth who have been trained in skills to improve their livelihood and employability in a skills thirsty economy.
The sun is shining brilliantly pouring over the streets of Hoima town as we drive and park at court view hotel. The manager of court view hotel welcomes us warmly and later introduces us to Joselyn Ayisiza a 21 year old trained cateress supported by Enabel through hands on skills training that took place at millennium vocational school in Masindi. Joselyn heard about the program from a friend while working as a mobile money agent in a kiosk in Masindi. She travelled to Hoima where she applied, did interviews and got enrolled for the Pastry and Catering course. One year later, Joselyn has skills in baking, preparing both local and international cuisines and other delicacies. She got employment soon after completing the course at court view hotel and earns 200,000shs. Per month. She is able to pay her own rent, save and also cater for her personal needs since getting the job seven months ago.She was given a startup kit by Enabel which she plans to use to start up her side business of setting up an eatery when she saves enough capital to enable her dream come true. The training also improved her social interactions to which she says,”I made good influential friends who are helping me.” Her manager says, “She is a very hardworking girl who is promising.” Joselyn is one of the many youth who have been trained in skills to improve their livelihood and employability in a skills thirsty economy.
Kojo John is 37 years old, a graduate of art and design whose life has been driven by his passion for art work designs and material. He is from Kitumba trading center in Kabarole district where he runs a small but functional art and design workshop called Legacy. This is where he was practicing his learned skills into action after graduating in 2010 with no well-paying job despite sourcing for one over the years. He settled with starting his own workshop but the skills he had were limited and out dated. Therefore he didn’t earn as much as he would have loved until he heard about an opportunity to do a hands on skills training in Tie and Dye and Embroidery from a radio station. The training was sponsored by Enabel where Kojo and his colleagues were taught new art and design skills while practicing hands on concurrently. “The new techniques in the skill excited me and helped me polish the ones I already had which am using now in my workshop,” says Kojo. The new techniques he acquired and now practices are text printing, embroidery, labelling, tie and dye. Using the above skills he is able to make branded shirts, clothes, overalls, overcoats, aprons, badges, tie and dyed clothing material.Kojo also trains other colleagues who are interested at his workshop besides working on the orders he receives. “The orders are seasonal but I get at least one every month and they are worth as much as 1.5M each which is good for me,” reveals Kojo. He has invested his savings into setting up commercial houses, piggery and poultry keeping in his home village. Kojo is married to one wife and has four children whom he ably supports now that he has hands on skills which have boosted his business and employable skills. Over 2000 Youth in the Albertine Rwenzori region have been trained in various skills to improve their livelihood and employability levels in their region.