On the 10th of January 2017, the Belgian Development
Agency launched a call for proposals for the new Continuous Vocational
Education and Training (CVET) Fund. CVET includes all forms of education or
training after initial education or entry into working life. It is aimed at
helping individuals to improve or update their knowledge and/or skills; acquire
new skills for a career move or retraining or continue their personal or
professional development.
The call aims at two different target groups:
- People who are working in a
TVET-related profession in the private sector and who need a skills’ update or
- Unemployed young people with
prior training and who did not find a job and decided to change their career
based on the labour market needs
information sessions were held in both Gaza and West Bank to explain the
concept of the CVET and the guidelines for applicants. Representatives from
TVET Institutions (Vocational Centres, Industrial Schools and Technical
colleges) as well as private sector and civil society organisations from
various districts (Ramallah, Hebron, Nablus, Jerusalem and Gaza) participated
in the workshops.
implementation of the selected CVET initiatives is expected to start in April