Wehubit 2.0
Gefinancierd door Belgium
Fase In uitvoering
Sector 22040 Information and communication technology (ICT)
Startdatum 1 oktober 2023
Einddatum 31 december 2026
Budget 4 672 897.00 €
Code BEL22009
Afgekorte naam Wehubit 2.0


The Wehubit 2.0 programme is Enabel’s flagship D4D/innovation programme working on Digital Social Innovations (DSIs). Focusing on implementing and scaling up existing DSIs stemming from a variety of actors within the innovation ecosystems of partner countries and regions, Wehubit supports partner organisations throughout Africa. Apart from providing financial supports to partner organisations, Wehubit 2.0 has a pillar dedicated to knowledge exchange and capacity building, stimulating partner organisations to ensure the sustainability of the projects they implement while actively applying the programme’s guiding principles.


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