Caring for Mothers’ Lives -WeCare


Gefinancierd door Belgium
Fase On going
Sector 12110 Health policy and administrative management
Startdatum 29 June 2023
Einddatum 23 November 2027
Budget Niet beschikbaar
Code UGA22009
Afgekorte naam WeCare

Project description

The 'Caring for Mothers’ Lives' (WeCare) project aims to guarantee the right to safe, quality education and healthcare in a more transparent way, particularly for vulnerable groups, including children, girls and women, as well as refugees. It will strengthen 3 complementary dimensions: demand, supply and governance of services.

On the demand side, the objective is that rights-holders increase their autonomy and demand equitable and timely access to health care (Result 1).
On the supply side, the aim is that duty-bearers ensure increasing inclusive access to quality SRHR services (Results 2 and 3).
On the governance side, the objective is that rights-holders and duty-bearers adopt participatory governance and shared accountability for managing their local health services (Results 4 and 5).


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