The Business Startups Incubators Support project (BSIS)
supports young Palestinian entrepreneurs to develop their ideas into viable
businesses. Recently BSIS has organised a number of awareness sessions and
bootcamps to promote entrepreneurship around the country. Sessions have been
organised on different occasions in the major cities - Hebron, Nablus,
Ramallah, Jerusalem, Bethlehem and Gaza - around the country. These meetings
were an opportunity for young people to become aware of the available
entrepreneurship opportunities across the Palestinian Territory.
A more specific awareness session on the
Tourism sector took place in Bethlehem. The focus of this session was the
recent challenges the sector faces in attracting tourists to Bethlehem and in
providing the desired services to them. After the brief explanation about the
situation, the participants were given the time to ask questions to the members
of the panel. At the end
of the discussion, participants were asked to collect information on the
problems and work on creating various solutions. Afterwards a Tourism Hackathon
was organised in Bethlehem. This is a 2-days meeting aimed to tackling the
challenges facing the tourism sector in the city, and help create solutions
which can lead into solving the existing challenges.
those potential entrepreneurs who already have a concrete business idea, the
BSIS project has organised bootcamps for Business Start-ups. These bootcamps
consist of a 2-day training to help them transform their ideas into
entrepreneurial start-ups. During the bootcamps the participants did market
research, learned how to pitch their idea and how to develop their business
information on the upcoming events of BSIS can be found on the project website: and the facebook page:
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