Teacher Training Education project continues to provide pedagogical support to improve the quality of
teaching and learning within the NTCs. This time around the support is in the form
of a set of guidelines that serve as essential tools to contribute towards
preparing qualified and competent teachers. 600 copies of these guidelines and
toolboxes were disseminated through-out the colleges and will be used by the
NTC lecturers. These guidelines and toolboxes are categorized into three areas:
- ·Continuous School Practice which is an innovative system
that provides an opportunity for teacher trainees to get hands-on experience
and teaching skills. CSP Guidelines: CSP Toolbox:
- Support Supervision System which targets
the knowledge, skills, attitudes and practices of lecturers in order to
improve their teaching and pedagogical roles in preparing qualified and
able teachers. Support Supervision
Support Supervision Toolbox:
- Continuous Professional Development System
which supports continuous learning and training for teaching staff in NTCs to ensure that their professional skills and knowledge is advanced and incorporates up-to-date teaching styles relevant to providing quality education. CPD Guidelines: CPD Toolbox: