Strengthening institutional capacities and coordination mechanisms for accelerating and scaling up the mobilization of climate finance in Mozambique

GCF Readiness

Financé par Green Climate Fund
Phase On going
Secteur 41010 Environmental policy and administrative management
Date de début 26 July 2023
Date de fin 30 April 2024
Budget 720 847.00 €
Code MOZ21001
Nom abbrégé GCF Readiness

Description du projet

The GCF Readiness (Strengthening institutional capacities and coordination mechanisms for accelerating and scaling up the mobilization of climate finance) project in Mozambique aims at reinforcing national institutions and coordination mechanisms to make more effective use of climate finance and private sector investment opportunities in Mozambique.

If Mozambique builds strong national institutions and coordination mechanisms and more strongly engages the private sector in the planning process, then Mozambique will be able to mobilise more climate finance for the implementation of its NDC (or Nationally Determined Contribution, is a climate action plan to cut emissions and adapt to climate impacts) because more effective and efficient use will be made of the climate finance and private sector investment opportunities that exist and climate finance proposals will be better tailored to the national circumstances.


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