Water and Sanitation Kigoma Region Project (WaSKiRP) - Phasing out


Water and Sanitation Kigoma Region Project (WaSKiRP) - Phasing out
Financé par Belgium
Phase En cours
Secteur 14030 Basic drinking water supply and basic sanitation
Date de début 1 mars 2023
Date de fin 28 février 2025
Budget 438 000.00 €
Code TZA23002
Nom abrégé WaSKiRP_PhaseOut

Description du projet

The WaSKiRP_PhaseOut project (Water and Sanitation Kigoma Region Project) aims to contribute towards equitable development and poverty reduction among Kigoma rural communities through improved access to safe and clean water supply and sanitation services.

Its specific objective is to increase access to safe/clean water and sanitation services and reduce burden related to water & sanitation among communities in Kigoma region, especially women and youths, and use the water as social economic commodity through sustainable interventions on water supply and hygiene practices.


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