Wehubit 2.0


Financé par Belgium
Phase On going
Secteur 22040 Information and communication technology (ICT)
Date de début 01 October 2023
Date de fin 31 May 2027
Budget Non disponible
Code BEL22009
Nom abbrégé

Description du projet

The Wehubit 2.0 programme is Enabel’s flagship D4D/innovation programme working on Digital Social Innovations (DSIs). Focusing on implementing and scaling up existing DSIs stemming from a variety of actors within the innovation ecosystems of partner countries and regions, Wehubit supports partner organisations throughout Africa. Apart from providing financial supports to partner organisations, Wehubit 2.0 has a pillar dedicated to knowledge exchange and capacity building, stimulating partner organisations to ensure the sustainability of the projects they implement while actively applying the programme’s guiding principles.


  • Rien de prévu pour le moment, mais restez à l'écoute pour nos prochaines actualités.

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