"Maisha Bora" - Belgian Food Security Programme for the Districts of Longido and Simanjiro - 2015-2020

BFFS Coordination
> Tanzanie

Maisha Bora International Partners: Islands of Peace (IDP)

  • Introduction: Maisha Bora International Partners: Islands of Peace

In Maisha Bora Programme, Islands of Peace is responsible for improving sustainable access to adequate water for livestock

Islands of Peace (IDP) is a Belgian NGO created in the 1960’s. Currently IDP works in 4 countries: Benin, Burkina Faso, Peru and Tanzania. IDP also conducts activities in Belgium such as advocacy and development education. The intervention of IDP in Africa's overall objective is to enable people to pursue their own sustainable development process independently and with dignity.
In its countries of operation, Islands of Peace facilitates local, reproducible and sustainable development led by disadvantaged populations with their representatives and local authorities.
Islands of Peace is an NGO specialized in the support for local development. Its interventions target vulnerable rural communities for whom programs that tackle food insecurity.
- "Sustainable production" (Sustainable Family Farming): support to producers' families and to their organisations for the development of a sustainable agriculture at the environmental, social and economic levels by having the role model of agro ecological productive system as a focal point AND by taking the realities and constraints that producers have to face into account.
- "Post-Production - Commercialisation": working with male and female producers and their organisations to strengthen their command of post-production aspects (storage, packaging, processing,...) and commercialisation (planning, product positioning). The main preoccupation is to enable families to sell their production at a fair price, to clear a profit from it and to get a decent life. That includes the strengthening of producers organisations.
- "Favourable environment for SFS emergence" (Repercussion/Advocacy): leading repercussion actions at the level of local/regional/national authorities to promote a favourable environment for emergence of sustainable food systems.
Islands of Peace will also develop a result on capacity building for local partners which will implement activities in the field.

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