Skills and Attitude (S&A), Governance and Anti-corruption (G&A), Covid19 Response (C19)

> Ouganda

Ologe, Hyuha, strive to fit into the digital space with new innovations in Uganda

  • Ologe, Hyuha, strive to fit into the digital space with new innovations

Michael Ologe was attached to the technology department of Ahuriire Uganda Limited located along Isingiro road in Mbarara City. During the training, Ologe, a graduate of Computer Science from Uganda Christian University, and Hyuha Gerald, 28, a Software Engineer who graduated from Makerere University last year, were tasked to use the skills acquired to create, maintain and manage digital products of the company. They combined efforts and successfully developed two products for the company, Agritungo farmers App and Rembo Finance, an online financial management platform.

 “We joined at a time when the company was re-branding the system and we built it from scratch. We were able to develop a new version of the system and a mobile application system dubbed, agritungo. It offers a variety of services to farmers,” Ologe says.

Ologe says Agritungo App helps farmers to manage their farms using mobile phones anywhere, any time. The key features of the APP include; farmer profiling, farm management and milk database among others. Additionally, the two trainees developed Rembo, an online financial management platform which targets Savings and Credit Cooperative Organistions (SACCOs), Microfinance Institutions (MFIs) and Village Savings and Loans Associations (VSLAs).

Its key features include; member enrollment, savings and credit management, loan management, online and mobile banking and automatic SMS alerts. The graduates confess that the training was an eye-opener to them and that with the acquired practical skills, life will never remain the same.

Hyuha who also develops websites as a side business, says before the training, he was half baked but has since transformed into an innovator.

 “I did not know most of the things but now, I have developed skills in programming, Software development, setting up networks using bootstrap,” he says with a smile of hope. His trainers at Ahuriire were able to guide him on application of the knowledge acquired at school.

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