Leveraging strategic health financing for Universal Health Coverage


Financé par Belgium
Phase Closed
Secteur 12110 Health policy and administrative management
Date de début 17 May 2021
Date de fin 17 August 2024
Budget 4 000 000.00 €
Code UGA20003
Nom abbrégé LSF

Description du projet

The 'Leveraging strategic health financing for Universal Health Coverage' (LSF) project contributes to Universal Health Coverage (UHC) in Uganda following a Rights Based Approach. It will support result based financing to improve provision of quality services, efficiency, and equity in recourse allocation and as a first step towards a third-payment system of a public health insurance system. Attention for patients’ rights and protection has been included.

In this way, the project contributes to modelling a sustainable health insurance scheme and organisation in Uganda, through support field to Districts and Health Facilities in the Rwenzori, West Nile regions and Acholi sub-region in Uganda, as well as a strategic support to the RBF unit at the ministry’s level.

The project provides direct support in the area of emergency response in order to strengthen the referral system, and in the area of sexual and reproductive health services and rights to strengthen demand and access, in particular for adolescents and in the area of family planning.


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