The support to skilling uganda intervention (SSU) in the Karamoja region

Skilling Karamoja
> Ouganda

Uganda: From dropout to entrepreneur: Sharon's tailoring success story

  • Sharon can now take care of her personal and family needs

The fourth born out of a family six siblings, Sharon Logiel always desired to acquire at least a bachelor’s degree. As a result, she took her academics very seriously.

“I wanted to study up to university. But my parents did not have enough money to take care of my school needs,” she reveals.

The lack of fees forced Sharon to dropout in Senior Four. Life became complicated as she had to stay home doing nothing.

One day when listening to the radio, she heard an announcement about training opportunities offered by Enabel at Moroto Technical Institute. Sharon was very interested so immediately applied.

“Luck was on my side; the application was successful. I was invited to the training at Moroto Technical Institute” a smiling Sharon says.

While there were various courses the mother of two could have selected, Sharon chose tailoring. Making clothes has always been her passion.

Together with other trainees also from Karamoja region, they were trained for three months. After completion of the training at Moroto Technical Institute, they were sent for industrial training.

“I was given a sewing machine as a startup kit at the end of the industrial training,” she says.

Now that Sharon has both the skill and machine, she was ready to start business. However, the 23-year-old still needed one more thing to start - some materials to sew.

She borrowed 20,000 from a friend and this enabled her to join Moroto’s tailoring industry. Her industrial training provider, an experienced tailor, offered Sharon free workspace.

The training has started to yield fruits.

“I now earn and can afford to buy food at home, dress myself and support my parents,” she joyfully says.

Sharon has plans for the future. She is currently saving in order to acquire more machines and materials. The young mother eventually plans to start her own tailoring workshop where she can employ and train young people.

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