Skills and Attitude (S&A), Governance and Anti-corruption (G&A), Covid19 Response (C19)

> Ouganda

Mukello and Umar raise the bar for Steel and Tube Industries Limited at quality awards

  • Mukello and Umar raise the bar for Steel and Tube Industries Limited at quality awards

Steel and Tube Industries Limited recently scooped a Consumer Choice award. This award recognises business excellence by conducting an independent market research survey to determine brand reputation, customer satisfaction and business excellence for the quality of services.

Umar B, 26, a graduate of Industrial Engineering and Mukello Emma,27, a graduate of Chemical Engineering who were attached to the company during the Work Readiness Programme training are some of the brains behind the success of the company. Both graduates did and continue to do what it takes to produce quality products. Umar is in charge of one of the production lines at Steel and Tube Industries Limited. He manages the production line right from the wire drawing to the final stage of production.

“We receive materials from South Africa, India and China and do material inspection to ensure we have the quality that we need,” he says.

One of his tasks is to study the chemical composition and physical structures of the materials in comparison with the shipping certificates. If the two rhyme, the materials pass the quality test. He says quality measures value for money and that it is critical for the company to produce quality products to ensure that customers get value for money. He also says that the skills he acquired have helped him to confront challenges.

“I have become more analytical and learnt how to handle problems. We have been prepared to handle challenges at the workplace,” he says.

Mukello, says that he was assigned to manage the night shift, and that teamwork enabled them to scoop the prestigious quality award.

“We have many companies producing the same products, but the customers chose us,” he explains.

Mukello works in the chemical section of the company. He undertakes chemical analysis of the raw materials before they are used to ensure that they have the right material compositions. He says that one time, they were supplied with billets used to make iron bars. His analysis indicated that they were not of the required quality. He informed his boss, and they took them back to the supplier. Management has promised him a new contract.

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