Skills and Attitude (S&A), Governance and Anti-corruption (G&A), Covid19 Response (C19)

> Ouganda

Enhancing Uganda's Business Environment: Learning Event on Governance and Anti-Corruption Initiatives

  • Enhancing Uganda's Business Environment: Learning Event on Governance and Anti-Corruption Initiatives

08/08/2024 - Enabel, in collaboration with the Private Sector Foundation Uganda (PSFU), hosted a pivotal learning event focused on advancing Uganda's business landscape through robust governance and anti-corruption efforts. As we are near the conclusion of the Skills, Attitude, Governance, and Anti-Corruption (SG+) project, key stakeholders gathered to reflect on the significant strides made since the project’s inception in November 2020.

The SG+ project has been instrumental in creating a more favourable business environment in Uganda. The Governance and Anti-Corruption (GAC) component has tackled corruption head-on by boosting e-procurement capabilities, promoting digitalisation, strengthening corporate governance, and establishing reporting mechanisms that support public-private dialogue. Notably, the project has empowered over 400 private sector companies to utilize the Electronic Government Procurement system, educated 180 leaders on e-government services, and facilitated the anonymous reporting of 157 corruption cases.

Reflecting on the progress made, Mrs. Sophie Kyagulanyi, Project Manager for SG+, highlighted the evolving role of the Private Sector in combating corruption: “At the start, the private sector was hesitant to speak out about corruption. But today, they are actively following up on reported cases. This project has ignited a flame that won’t be easily extinguished. The structures we've established are self-sustaining and will continue to combat corruption, even as the project ends,” she said.

The EU Representative, Mr. Sofian Dahmani, underscored the importance of continued collaboration, stating: “ his project demonstrates the power of partnership. The EU is committed to supporting Uganda's efforts in creating a transparent and accountable business environment. The progress made here is a testament to what we can achieve when we work together.”
Adding to this, Belgian Embassy Deputy Ambassador, Mr. Luc Pirson, emphasised: “The broader implications of these efforts, noting that good governance and anti-corruption measures are fundamental to sustainable development.”

The event also featured contributions from strategic partners such as National Information Technology Authority-Uganda (NITA-U) and Public Procurement & Disposal of Public Assets Authority (PPDA), who have committed to continuing these anti-corruption activities independently. The Deputy Inspector General of Government, Mrs. Ann Muheirwe, reinforced the importance of these initiatives, stating: “The fight against corruption is not just the responsibility of the government. It requires active participation from the private sector, civil society, and every Ugandan citizen. The success of the SG+ project shows that we are on the right path, but there is still much work to be done.”

The momentum gained in governance and anti-corruption efforts will not only persist but expand. Organisations like Uganda Manufactures’ Association (UMA) are stepping up to further these efforts, ensuring that the fight against corruption continues and that Uganda’s business environment remains built on integrity and transparency.

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