Individual Learning for Organisational Development : Belgian- Tanzanian Scholarship Programme

> Tanzanie

Trainings on Natural Resources Management

  • 4 Trainings on Natural Resources Management

The Belgian-Tanzanian Scholarship Programme aims to improve the performance of government institutions in two sectors: Local Government Reform and Natural Resources Management. Strengthening the individual competencies of government staff will contribute to the organizational development of their institution. 
Four Tanzanian training institutions were selected to give the trainings in Natural Resources Management: 
  • CBCTC – Community Based Conservation Training Centre
  • FTI – Forestry Training Institution
  • FETA – Fisheries Educational Training Agency
  • ARITA – Ardhi Institute Tabora
From 15th February until 29th April they are giving trainings to local government employees in Mkuranga, Kigoma, Uvinza, Buhigwe, Kasulu, Kibondo and Kakonko. 
The content of the trainings ranges from how to handle land use conflicts to refreshing their knowledge aboutNatural Resource Management laws. A trainer from CBCTC explains: “It is very useful to give a training on Community Based Natural Resources Management, because the laws and regulations in this sector often change.”
The trainings try to relate to the daily work of the participants as closely as possible, and therefore are given in a participatory way. Much to the appreciation of the training participants: “This way we are encouraged to think actively and we will remember the things we learned better.”

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