"Maisha Bora" - Belgian Food Security Programme for the Districts of Longido and Simanjiro - 2015-2020

BFFS Coordination
> Tanzanie

Maisha Bora International Partners: Belgian Development Agency (BTC)

  • Introduction: Maisha Bora International Partners: Belgian Development Agency (BTC)

In Maisha Bora Programme, BTC is responsible for the effective coordination of the programme to assure external and internal coherence, induced cooperation and increases implementation efficiency.

The Belgian development agency, BTC, mobilises its resources and its expertise to eliminate poverty in the world. BTC contributes to the efforts of the international community and works towards a society that provides present and future generations with sufficient resources to build a sustainable and fair world.
Its staff members in Brussels and overseas embody the commitment of the Belgian State and other development partners to international solidarity. They support more than 300 cooperation projects and programmes in some 20 countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America.
BTC listens, gives advice and puts the experience of its staff to the disposal of its partners. Its staff members look for innovative solutions to the challenges set by a continuously more complex environment. To support the development processes BTC provides services that are characterized by transparency and integrity, which are essential values in a relation of trust.
In Belgium BTC is presenting itself as a centre of excellence for development issues.
Website: http://www.btcctb.org/en

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