RISE project iin Palestine: Greener schools and collective artworks

  • Greener schools and increased environmental awareness

Enabel in Palestine, through its Resilience in Schools of East Jerusalem (RiSE) project, has recently completed the rehabilitation works for 6 schools out of the 8 planned in East Jerusalem, with the remaining 2 nearing completion.
The completed works included the rehabilitation of classrooms, creation of new kindergarten units and upgrading of existing ones and the creation of new classrooms.

These schools also feature some collective artworks co-created with the students. In Al Wifaq school, students were asked to draw what they imagine when they look at the sky, and their drawings were used to cut the metal sheets of the canopy and the main gate (see picture).
In Sheikh Saad Girls’ school, student’s drawings were used to create shapes with the ceramic tiles next to the water fountain.

Enabel in Palestine also joined forces with "Terre des Hommes Italy" and the Palestine Institute for Biodiversity and Sustainability to create animation movies on 6 environmental topics. While focusing on climate change, green energy and maintenance of our biodiversity, we mobilize the youth to take actions to keep our planet clean.

All the animation videos are available on our YouTube Channel under the playlist We Love Our Planet.

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