Training for Excellent Health Care (WeTrain4Health)


Financé par Belgium
Phase On going
Secteur 11420 Higher education
Date de début 29 June 2023
Date de fin 23 November 2027
Budget Non disponible
Code UGA22010
Nom abbrégé WeTrain4Health

Description du projet

The focus of the 'Training for Excellent Health Care' (WeTrain4Health) project will be on the training of nurses and clinical officers. It will be based on three principles: (1) people-centred approach, (2) systemic approach and (3) learning and action research.

Three schools have been selected within the intervention area of the project: Fort Portal College of Health Sciences, Jinja School of Nursing and Midwifery, Hoima School of Nursing and Midwifery in Albertine region. The schools will receive a comprehensive package of support, including both “soft” components like pedagogical and institutional support, as well as infrastructure.

This intervention will be implemented directly by the Enabel training school intervention team in support of the management bodies of the schools.


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