Affichage de 1995 à 2010 sur 2520 actualités

  • Enabel supports Gaza’s women to participate in the International Girls in ICT Day, in partnership with UCAS and UN WOMAN

    Enabel supports Gaza’s women to participate in the International Girls in ICT Day, in partnership with UCAS and UN WOMEN

    Laura SCHILLEMANS | 24/04/2018

    Young women from Gaza will join other International Telecommunication Union (ITU) member states in celebrating the International Girls in ICT Day. The initiative aims at creating a global environment that empowers and encourages girls and young women to consider careers in the growing field of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs). The International Girls in ICT Day is celebrated in April every year. The University College of Applied Science (UCAS) is organizing an event to celebrate the day at its venue on Monday 30th April, 2018 from 08:00 am. During the event, the five winner of the public tech information competition, which was launched one month ago (for girls in high schools, colleges, universities, institutions and technology incubators ), will be selected, announced and honoured. During the event, women role models from Gaza’s ICT sector will give motivation talks to students on the growing and rewarding careers in ICT in Gaza. Moreover, there will be technological workshops to test the general tech knowledge of the college and the high school students. Enabel supports this initiative to encourage gender mainstreaming in the ICT sector and in the related TVET (Technical and Vocational Training) courses. For more details, follow the event on Facebook:

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    Palestine PZA1202911

  • Inauguration of the rehabilitated multi-purpose building

    Inauguration of the rehabilitated multi-purpose building "Dar Jda" and the path connecting it with the “Lot Mosque” in Bani Na'im

    Laura SCHILLEMANS | 23/04/2018

    Recently the rehabilitated Dar Jda’ building and the road linking it to the “Lot Mosque”, in the old town of Bani Na’im, were officially inaugurated. The project was implemented by the Municipal Development and Lending fund (MDLF), with the support of the Belgian Development Agency (Enabel). The inauguration ceremony was attended by Deputy of the Ministry of Local Government Mohamed Hassan Jabareen, Mrs. Danielle Haven - Consul General of Belgium in Palestine, Dr. Tawfiq Al-Budairy - Director General of MDLF, Mr. Rashid Awad - Director General of the Local Government of Hebron, Mr. Azzam Hjouj - Director General of Planning and Urban Planning and Mr. Ali Manasra - Mayor of Bani Naim. In his speech Mr. Jabareen congratulated the people of Bani Na’im on the opening of the vital and important project that will improve the social, economic and cultural conditions in the town, bring life to the building and preserve historical heritage. He also praised the great efforts of the Municipal Council in improving the quality of services provided to the citizens. He stressed the importance of community contribution in supporting and empowering the municipality to implement development projects that serve the local community in all its sectors. Furthermore, Mr. Jabareen thanked the Belgian government for its continued support to the Palestinian people in general and in particular to the local government sector, pointing out the importance of the support to the ministry's policies and in implementing its strategic directions. Mrs. Haven expressed her happiness and satisfaction with the completion of this important project, which contributes to the revival and preservation of the building’s historical identity.

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    Palestine PZA1203011

  • Public Administrative Reform to help Business and Investment

    Public Administrative Reform to help Business and Investment

    Marion FISCHER | 20/04/2018

    To improve the business environment and to attract investments require an innovative and transparent local government. Experts and representatives of the provincial government of Nghe An explained the way to achieve this goal in a workshop on 17 April 2018., which was attended by the Ambassador of Belgium to Vietnam Mrs. Jehanne Roccas and her delegation. A modern government provides citizen-friendly public and administrative services, enhances the effectiveness through implementation of E-governance and secures fair competition for businesses, the experts said. E-government is an effective lever in fighting corruption and illegal competition advantages. The structure and working organisation of local government units need to be streamlined and duplication of functions and responsibilities need to be cut away to reduce the amount of administrative procedures for businesses. The vice-chairman of the provincial People’s Committee Mr. Le Xuan Dai emphasized that big businesses and investments are not the only attractive objectives for the government. SME must receive greater attention and support because they are an important link in the value chain and indispensable for the wellbeing of the people. Public administration reform must be driven by a two-way dialogue between the government and the citizens, including the business community.

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    Vietnam VIE1505011

  • Première intervention de l’AGID dans la valorisation des déchets.

    Première intervention de l’AGID dans la valorisation des déchets.

    Halima HORRI | 18/04/2018

    Le 12 et 13 Mars 2018, un séminaire a été tenue au niveau du Centre de Convention d'Oran sous l’intitulé : Les perspectives pour développer les filières de valorisation pour les déchets ménagers dans la région d’Oran. Cette rencontre a été animé par deux experts du bureau de Green Crossroad :  M. Steve Claus. M. Jacques Langhendries. L’objectif de ce séminaire était de rassembler un panel d’une trentaine de personnes qui soient représentatif de la diversité des acteurs impliqués dans le secteur du recyclage dans la région de l'Ouest et discuter les perspectives suivantes : La vente des déchets issus des centres de tri. La nécessité de financer et réguler les marchés du recyclage. L’opportunité de développer de nouvelles filières de valorisation. Dans le cadre du projet AGID il est prévu de construire un centre de tri, d’une capacité de 100 tonnes par jour et une plateforme de compostage (5 000m²) dans chacune des trois Wilayas de la zone d’intervention. Le fonctionnement de ces infrastructures demande un budget non négligeable dont l’équilibre devra être assuré en priorité par la revente des déchets valorisables issus de cette infrastructure. À la suite de ce séminaire, les deux experts se sont déplacés au niveau des trois Wilayas (Mascara, Mostaganem et Sidi Bel Abbes), pour voir les opportunités de valorisation propres à chaque Wilaya.

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    Algérie ALG1402011

  • Workshops on the integration of WBL for 6 industrial unions in Gaza

    Workshops on the integration of WBL for 6 industrial unions in Gaza

    Laura SCHILLEMANS | 18/04/2018

    To endorse the work-based learning (WBL) approach in the Gaza Strip, Enabel conducted a workshop for the private sector, in partnership with the LET council of Gaza and in the presence of the Ministry of Labor (MoL) and the Ministry of Education (MoE). The workshop targeted 6 industrial unions in Gaza: the Palestinian Food Industries Union, the Wood Industries Union, the Federation of Renewable Energy Industries, the Union of Palestinian Textile Industries, the Metal and Engineering Industries Union and the Palestinian Aluminum Industries Union, that are looking for skilled workers. A social dialogue took place and the two parties agreed on how to adopt WBL. The workshop resulted in: Field visits to TVET institutionsFormulation of strategic memorandums of understanding (MoUs) to train studentsSigning MoUs in TVET week This first step is followed by a series of workshops targeting other promising economic sectors in Gaza Strip

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    Palestine PZA1202911

  • Que fait le projet de développement de la filière des amandiers dans la région de l'Oriental au Maroc ?

    Que fait le projet de développement de la filière des amandiers dans la région de l'Oriental au Maroc ?

    Meriem HILALI | 16/04/2018

    Le projet s’inscrit dans le cadre de la stratégie du Maroc pour le développement de l’agriculture (Plan Maroc Vert), en particulier de son Pilier II dédié à l’agriculture solidaire, visant à sécuriser la production et les revenus des exploitations agricoles situées dans les milieux à économie fragile.Les apports pluviométriques dans la région de l’Oriental ont connu une forte baisse ces dernières décennies, menant à une irrégularité accrue des rendements agricoles.La stratégie du projet vise à atténuer ces impacts en convertissant des cultures céréalières en arboriculture et en formant les producteurs aux techniques de culture et de valorisation des amandes pour, au final, augmenter leurs revenus.

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    Maroc MOR1003911

  • La création d’emplois durables dans les chaines de valeur agricoles pour réduire l'émigration rurale dans le bassin arachidier

    La création d’emplois durables dans les chaines de valeur agricoles pour réduire l'émigration rurale dans le bassin arachidier

    Aïda SECK | 10/04/2018

    Sur un financement de 18 M€ de l’Union Européenne, le  Projet d’Appui à la Réduction de l’Émigration Rurale dans le Bassin Arachidier (PARERBA)  vise à développer une agriculture familiale durable participant au développement de l’économie rurale et à créer des emplois dans les chaînes de valeur agricoles, stabilisant ainsi localement la population rurale, les jeunes en particulier autour d’opportunités économiques.L’augmentation de la productivité des exploitations agricoles et la promotion de l’entrepreneuriat rural sont les deux axes stratégiques sur lesquels le projet s’appuiera pour consolider et créer des emplois durables dans les chaînes de valeur agro-alimentaires. Outre les investissements prévus pour l’aménagement des périmètres agricoles, des volets importants seront consacrés à l’accompagnement des jeunes autoentrepreneurs, au renforcement de capacités des producteurs (organisations paysannes, groupements, comités de gestion des périmètres), à l’accès à la formation qualifiante et professionnelle, ou encore au financement des projets productifs. A terme, 5000 productrices et producteurs seront organisés et renforcés pour augmenter durablement leur production ou développer une activité dans les filières agricoles importantes de la région. 50 PME employant chacune 20 jeunes, soit 1000 jeunes femmes et hommes, seront sélectionnées-mentorées-renforcées et financées à travers deux accélérateurs d’entreprises et un fond de financement Sénégalo-Belge, Senabel.

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    Sénégal SEN160331T

  • Providing Drinkable Water through Innovating Solar Desalination Technique

    Providing Drinkable Water through Innovating Solar Desalination Technique

    Anke VANDEVELDE | 06/04/2018

    The Water Gaza project in Mozambique is entering its last phase: by the end of this year all activities will be completed, and the project will be closed. Enabel has shown to be an important partner of the Mozambican government in the water sector, providing them with innovating ideas and techniques to tackle the drinkable water issue for remote populations in rural Mozambique. Most of these secluded communities have to walk several kilometres to access a manual water pump and most of the time the groundwater does not meet the standards of the World Health Organisation (WHO). Tests in the target communities have shown that the “drinkable” water of the pumps contains too much salt. Health problems are often related to the consumption of salty water: it can cause dehydration and kidney infections. Moreover, this salty groundwater can damage the pipe and pump system and the erosion of the water supply system might cause metallic parts to enter the water, causing cancers, cardiovascular diseases and many other health issues.Enabel has come up with a progressive plan to tackle these issues and contracted three innovating companies: VERGNET HYDRO to supply the equipment, MASCARA to install the desalination units and AFRIDEV MATI MOZAMBIQUE LDA to carry out the works and the management. The Brussels Environmental Fund, IBGE, is providing part of the funds to carry out the desalination works using solar energy. This solar desalination process is ecologically and economically innovating as it does not require a battery to stock the energy. The energy generated by the 6 photovoltaic power fields (80 m² - 160 m², with a total generating power of around 88 kWp) feed directly into the same amount of desalination units using reverse osmosis. Eventually, the desalinated water will be stored in elevated tanks, which will supply the remote communities with drinkable water through a supply network.  Of each 100 litres of pumped water, 80 litre of drinkable water will be distributed to the population. The remaining water will be dismissed in infiltration reservoirs. Furthermore, each site will have a remote management system and an electric control panel which will continuously monitor the functioning of the desalination unit. As a result, these innovating installations lead to a significant improvement of the livelihoods of these remote populations, as desalinated, drinkable water will be provided close to home through taps. More notably, it is the first time in Mozambique that the desalination process of water runs for 100% on solar energy without the use of a battery, which makes it possible to sell water at the same price as with a conventional system (1MZN/25l; 1.3ct€).

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    Mozambique MOZ1102411

  • Conclusion of Grant Agreements for the pilot projects in Binh Dinh, Khanh Hoa and Phu Yen provinces

    Quan PHUNG VAN | 06/04/2018

    On 30 March, 2018, the official conclusion of the Grant Agreements for the pilot projects in Binh Dinh, Khanh Hoa and Phu Yen provinces was done under the framework of the Green Growth Strategy Facility (GGSF).Director General of DSENRE, MPI, Dr. Pham Hoang Mai, Chief Representative Belgian Development Agency (Enabel) in Vietnam, Mrs. Krista Verstraelen and Vice Chairmen of Binh Dinh, Khanh Hoa and Phu Yen People Committee concluded the Grant Agreements. The implementation of the agreement has been marked a step forward in the implementation of the Vietnam Green Growth Strategy (VGGS), which was approved by the Prime Minister in Decision No.1393/QD-TTg dated 09/25/2012. The selected pilots meet the priorities of the local and the VGGS. Phu Yen province has been supported by GGSF with project on the association of the application of solar power system with water-saving irrigation system
to serve hi-tech agricultural production. The project will help to efficiently and economically use limited water sources for production in Phu Yen, and the application of renewable energy to operate the drip irrigation system will be a step forward in applying high technology.  Besides, GGSF has supported Binh Dinh with the project of Construction of centralized wastewater treatment system for the wet-rice-noodle trade village of Ngai Chanh hamlet, in Nhon Hau commune, An Nhon town, Binh Dinh province. In recent years, wet-rice-noodle trade has been the main income of many households in this place. However, this production activity also causes serious environmental pollution. Therefore, the construction of a centralized wastewater treatment system to minimize the risk of pollution in the village, ensuring a sustainable living environment and sustainable production, maintaining the traditional work of the people is very necessary. In Khanh Hoa, the project of replacing public high voltage street bulbs system in Van Gia town area, Van Ninh district, Khanh Hoa province by electric- saving led technology is also under support of GGSF. This project has practical significance to concretize the district's action plan on the implementation of energy saving activities for the public lighting system in a synchronous and comprehensive manner with high efficiency.

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    Vietnam VIE1104111

  • L’Atlas interactif des marais, bas-fonds et plaines irrigables du Burundi est désormais en ligne :

    Atlas interactif des marais, bas-fonds et plaines irrigables du Burundi

    Jean-francois DETRY | 05/04/2018

    L’atlas interactif des marais, bas-fonds et plaines irrigables du Burundi est un système d'identification et d'analyse permettant aux intervenants du secteur de disposer d'une vue globale sur les zones irrigables présentes dans le pays. Construit comme une infrastructure de données spatiales, cet outil interactif et convivial a pour but de renforcer la connaissance des marais, bas-fonds et plaines irrigables, d'analyser leur rentabilité et de planifier leur mise en valeur et leur amé

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    Burundi BDI1308211

  • The pilot project of Construction of a water channel and water- efficient irrigation system for improvement of cultivation performance in the area of

    The pilot project of Construction of a water channel and water- efficient irrigation system for improvement of cultivation performance in the area of

    Quan PHUNG VAN | 04/04/2018

    The pilot project under support of GGSF will invest in the irrigation canal and part of the water-efficient irrigation system in order to improve agricultural efficiency, develop toward sustainable and green growth. Rural development is ranked the top priority currently in Vietnam in general, and in Binh Thuan particularly. To promote a comprehensive development and to be aligned with the National Action Plan on Green Growth and match people’s needs and expectation, it is required a better infrastructure in the rural area, especially an irrigation system which is a decisive factor. Irrigation works ensure water supply, a prerequisite for existence and development of life and production. It also contributes significantly to sustainable development poverty reduction in the province, and furthermore, improving the standards of living in terms of economy, culture and society.Irrigation works enable the development of diversification of crops, production shifting, increasing of efficiency of land use, re-allocation of natural water resources, improvement of soil and environment for benefits of production and livelihood and facilitating for the settlement. For the best utilization of existing works, it is necessary to innovate the irrigation methods and techniques to improve the cost efficiency by using water-efficient methods such as sprinkler irrigation, drop irrigation. One of the critical measures to improve the economic efficiency for crops is to identify and use the appropriate irrigation method and technique because in-field irrigation techniques play an important role in supplying and distributing water directly to the plants, and determining the volume of water loss in field.The grant agreement in the Green Growth Strategy Facility (GGSF) Project - VIE 11 041 11/CSUB/002 signed on July 1st2016 contributes to implementing Binh Thuan provincial Green Growth action plan through the Green Growth pilot projects, Construction of a water channel and water- efficient irrigation system for improvement of cultivation performance in the area of Trinh spring.In the agricultural structure of the commune, cultivation is the key sector accounting for high density with 5.760,61 ha of crop land. Intensive farming is given priority to increase yield and improve product value. Structure of season-based crops, cultivation techniques have experienced significant move. Crop structures have been adjusted to suit weather conditions. Major crops include plants for food, for starchy root, for food stuff, for fruits and short-term industrial crops. Key crops are high quality rice, high-yield corn, dragon fruit. Area for annual crops such as rice and hybrid corn are 866 ha irrigated with water from Song Mao River and Ca Giay Reservoir through 39 km canals of category I, category II, and even category III, category IV formed by people at production area. In addition, discharge water from Dai Ninh Hydropower Plant have contributed to irrigating agricultural crops since 2008, facilitating agricultural production. However, the current difficulty is the lack of a irrigation channel for the area of Trinh Spring, An Trung Hamlet with 40 ha of dragon fruit, perennial plants and others. Main source of water for irrigation now is rain water during rainy season or from man-made ponds or deepwells during dry season. This reduces crop performance and make drought increasingly complicated. Therefore, local people in the project area are expecting for investment in the irrigation channel and part of the water-efficient irrigation system to support the agricultural development with regard to improvement of efficiency, sustainable and green growth.  The water canal will be installed and constructed in An Trung hamlet, Binh An commune, Bac Binh district. The tentative completion time is within three months after the selection of construction contractor. The proposed length of channel is 1.500 meters.

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    Vietnam VIE1104111

  • The pilot project of Construction of public solar lighting systems in the communes of Hong Son, Ham Duc, Ham Chinh and Ham Phu, Ham Thuan Bac district

    The pilot project of Construction of public solar lighting systems in the communes of Hong Son, Ham Duc, Ham Chinh and Ham Phu, Ham Thuan Bac district

    Quan PHUNG VAN | 04/04/2018

    The project is expected to contribute to changing the facade of the communes of Hong Son, Ham Duc, Ham Chinh and Ham Phu, improving the standard of living for the community. It contributes to implement the Green Growth action plan of the province through the pilot green growth project under support of GGSF.Rural development is ranked the top priority currently in Vietnam in general, and in Binh Thuan particularly. To promote a comprehensive development and to be aligned with the National Action Plan on Green Growth and match people’s needs and expectation, it is required a better infrastructure in the rural area. Public lighting system is an integral part of the urban technical infrastructure system, playing an important role in ensuring traffic safety, serving production and domestic purposes for local people, strengthening security, beauty the area at night. Located in the potential area for RE, the communes of Hong Son, Ham Duc, Ham Chinh and Ham Phu still lack a standard public lighting system. There have existed certain fragmented lighting points with minimal investment. It is not feasible technically and economically for the moment to run a power line connecting the national grid line to the area.Therefore, investment for “green” lighting systems at areas without traditional lighting systems powered by national grid line will contribute to changing the facade of the communes of Hong Son, Ham Duc, Ham Chinh and Ham Phu, improving the standard of living for the community, facilitating traffic, ensuring safety and security in the public area. It will also promote the awareness of local people in using green energy, replacing the traditional lighting system powered by national grid line, minimizing the use of fossil energy in their life.The grant agreement in the Green Growth Strategy Facility (GGSF) Project - VIE 11 041 11/CSUB/002 signed on July 1st2016 contributes to implementing Binh Thuan provincial Green Growth action plan through the Green Growth pilot projects, Construction of public solar lighting systems in the communes of Hong Son, Ham Duc, Ham Chinh and Ham Phu.To sum up, the project is expected to contribute to changing the facade of the communes of Hong Son, Ham Duc, Ham Chinh and Ham Phu, improving the standard of living for the community. It contributes to implement the Green Growth action plan of the province through the pilot green growth project under support of GGSF.

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    Vietnam VIE1104111

  • Development of drip irrigation for agriculture in response to drought in Ninh Thuan province

    Development of drip irrigation for agriculture in response to drought in Ninh Thuan province

    Quan PHUNG VAN | 04/04/2018

    The project is expected to help to use effectively and save scarce water resources in arid regions for production, while improving productivity and product quality. It contributes to implement the Green Growth action plan of the province through the pilot green growth project supported by GGSF.According to the general socio-economic planning of Ninh Thuan province towards 2020, which was approved by Prime Minister in Document No.1222/QĐ-TTg on July 22, 2011, Ninh Thuan province will become the Vietnam’s future destination with synchronized infrastructure, capacity of climate change adaptation and sustainable economic development, in which the specific environmental objectives are to efficiently manage and use natural resources, strengthen education and training, and raise the environmental protection awareness.Ninh Thuan is located in the South Central Coast with an important geographic location on the junction of the South East and Central Highlands. Ninh Thuan has a great potential for development and is seeking to take advantage of its plentiful potentials; however, it is still in the face of fresh water shortage, besides it is strongly influenced by Elnino, flash flood, which leads to desertification, which has covered over 20% of total land of the province. The province suffers from harsh climate, typically characterized by: lowest precipitation nationwide, with the average annual rainfall (750mm) while the evaporation is high (1500mm), rain was absent in many years, high temperature. The river density in Ninh Thuan province is relatively low (0.10-0.15 km/km2). The annual flow in rivers and streams is very small. The surface water is scarce while concentrates in 3 months of rainy season, leaving the rest of the year dried up. In recent years, drought has been constantly occurring in the province, particularly between 2014-2015, twenty-one reservoirs, which have been considered as the key water resources of the province, have dried up, leaving the province lying on water discharged from Da Nhim hydropower plant through major irrigation systems of Krong Pha and Nha Trinh Lam Cam. Therefore, it is necessary to re-invent the water resources, seeking an optimal water use modality and selecting water saving irrigation methods to mitigate drought-caused damages.The prolonged drought caused abandoned planted land in Ninh ThuanAbandoned pumps and dry wellsThe construction site of the pilot water-efficient irrigation for agriculture in response to drought in Ninh Thuan province project is located in Thai An hamlet, Vinh Hai commune, Ninh Hai district, Ninh Thuan province with a pilot area of 10ha for grapevine planting. The main irrigation water source for this crop area is from well water source. According to the local people, the cost of digging wells for taking irrigation water  is about 50 million VND/ ha. However, due to ground elevation of the pilot area is lower than the sea level, salinity usually occurs in dry seasons. Because of irrigation water shortage, many households use tap water mixed with undergroundwater for irrigation, the cost for using tap water for irrigation is about 20 million VND/ ha per month. This reduces the economic efficiency of plants and wastes waster, and it affects the habit and consciousness of water users in the long run.Bau Tro Lake - the only water source in the dry seasonThe farmers in Thai An village installed water pipes from Bau Tro lake for irrigationThai An irrigation area, pilot site of the project.Therefore, the project Development of drip irrigation for agriculture in response to drought in Ninh Thuan province is expected to help to use effectively and save scarce water resources in arid regions for production, while improving productivity and product quality. It contributes to implement the Green Growth action plan of the province through the pilot green growth project supported by GGSF.

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    Vietnam VIE1104111

  • Developing drip irrigation for development of urban trees in Phan Rang - Thap Cham city, Ninh Thuan province

    Developing drip irrigation for development of urban trees in Phan Rang - Thap Cham city, Ninh Thuan province

    Quan PHUNG VAN | 04/04/2018

    The project is expected to developing drip irrigation for development of urban trees in Phan Rang - Thap Cham city, Ninh Thuan province. It contributes to implement the Green Growth action plan of the province through the pilot green growth project supported by GGSF.According to the general socio-economic planning of Ninh Thuan province towards 2020, which was approved by Prime Minister in Document No.1222/QĐ-TTg on July 22, 2011, Ninh Thuan province will become the Vietnam’s future destination with synchronized infrastructure, capacity of climate change adaptation and sustainable economic development, in which the specific environmental objectives are to efficiently manage and use natural resources, strengthen education and training, and raise the environmental protection awareness.Ninh Thuan is located in the South Central Coast with an important geographic location on the junction of the South East and Central Highlands. Ninh Thuan has a great potential for development and is seeking to take advantage of its plentiful potentials; however, it is still in the face of fresh water shortage, besides it is strongly influenced by Elnino, flash flood, which leads to desertification, which has covered over 20% of total land of the province. Therefore, it is necessary to re-invent the water resources, seeking an optimal water use modality and selecting water saving irrigation methods to mitigate drought-caused damages.Ninh Thuan has focused on developing water-efficient irrigation model for upland crops at drought-affected areas in order to increase productivity and product quality of plants; in addition, to develop the green space to reach environmental goals: reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, air regulation, etc. particularly in Phan Rang – Thap Cham city. The province annually allocates many expenses to maintain the public green system due to unsteady water supply.Project site - Retention lake in Ninh ThuanThe project site – the retention lake has the area of 10ha, with capacity of 100.000m3; its water level’s fluctuation is low and stable during the seasons. Its water source originates from rainwater and domestic wastewater in Phan Rang – Thap Cham city through the open canal. According to the survey, there are about 305 trees plant at the regulation lake area with distance between two trees of 7m currently, estimated total greening area is about 5.000m2.Regarding urban tree caring, current irrigation technology is overflow irrigation, hose irrigation, there are some small areas using sprinkler irrigation recently. Some private companies are signing contract with People’s Committee of Phan Rang – Thap Cham city (CPC) to implement urban tree caring. Therefore, information about irrigation status and tree caring such as overflow water amount, energy consumption, fertilize amount… will be provided to the PCU by CPC. Thereby, PCU can compare the effectiveness of using drip irrigation with other irrigation technology in the same urban area.Therefore, the research on, identification of and investment in a sustainable urban tree caring model through the application of drip irrigation to create landscape and urban environment– a highlight point of the Phan Rang – Thap Cham city in contribution to common efforts of the province in providing solutions for efficient management and use of water resources in order to ensure the water security for living, sustainable economic development and environmental protection and specification of the implementation activities of the national green growth strategy in urban development field. At the same time, it has high effects on the community of how people develop urban trees effectively and replicate across the city in the context of climate change.To sum up, the project is expected to developing drip irrigation for development of urban trees in Phan Rang - Thap Cham city, Ninh Thuan province. It contributes to implement the Green Growth action plan of the province through the pilot green growth project.

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    Vietnam VIE1104111

  • Application of science and technology to develop a model on mushroom growing and organic fertilizer production from agricultural wastes/byproducts in

    Application of science and technology to develop a model on mushroom growing and organic fertilizer production from agricultural wastes/byproducts in

    Quan PHUNG VAN | 04/04/2018

    To achieve the goal of creating jobs, generating incomes, improving the living standards for rural workers, contributing to environmental protection, land reclamation, improvement of the quality of agricultural products, towards sustainable development, GGSF has supported Ha Tinh province with the project: "Application of science and technology to develop a model on mushroom growing and organic fertilizer production from agricultural wastes/byproducts in Ha Tinh province".Ha Tinh is an agricultural province, with more than 70% of the population relies on agriculture. Therefore, there is a huge amount of agricultural waste products after harvesting annually, especially straw. Farmers have a habit of burning straws at the field, causing environmental pollution, degrading  soil quality and wasting natural resources. In order to make use of agricultural by-products/wastes, in 2015, with supports of the Department of Science – Technology, in Ha Tinh, people produced 50,000 packages of biological products and more than 25,000 tons of organic fertilizer. This figure is still considered very humble because current demand for safe and clean vegetable production has been a hot issue and the authorities and the people are very interested. According to the forecast for the coming years, the figure will increase by 25-30% compared to 2015.Mushroom growing in Ha Tinh began to be formed since 2002 with only few trial households and small scale, therefore consumer market was very litmited. After times, mushroom growing and development has now become  popular in most of the districts, towns and city in the province with increasing number of households joined. However, most of farmers are just buying mushroom bags in the Mushroom Center, other than proactively producing larger quantity, finding provincial and outside markets for mushroom and bio-fertilizer products.Basing on this reality, the project "Application of science and technology to develop a model on mushroom growing and organic fertilizer production from agricultural wastes/byproducts in Ha Tinh province" aims to utilize the agricultural wastes/byproducts to produce clean products with high economic value, to improve incomes, increase soil fertility and limit the use of chemical fertilizers, reducing environmental pollution, and helping farmers to apply the advanced technology into production, gradually forming the thoughts in the direction of commodity production, intensive cultivation, creating commercial products with high quality, to satisfy the consumer’s needs in and outside the province, generating jobs for people in rural areas, reducing the cost of purchasing fertilizers (using compost made from agricultural waste/byproducts instead).The project has supported  Ha Tinh to implement green agriculture, through utilizing waste/by-products of the agricultural sector for mushroom and compost production to increase income, reduce pollution, contribute to the achivement of objectives of the National GG Action Plan.

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    Vietnam VIE1104111